sorry for not adding anything new here, but i've been ill for a few days (now feeling a lot better)... new additions to this blog to come within the upcoming week...
and although it is feb.4th the tolkienforum is not closed until now... but maybe we just have to wait until midnight ! thank you John for advertising this blog in such noticeable style there... (i'm already looking forward to whatever you gave hints to at the forum - is it connected with the lost data ?) i've added no further posts after my 500th, but visited the site regularly since then... see you all regularly here now...
Telco, indeed the forum is still not yet closed. But I corresponded further with HC, asking them to leave the forum online until Sunday, so that more people could see my 'advertising' of this place, but I was told that unfortunately that could not be done because taking down the site is part of a planned IT operation involving several other things, which they scheduled for today. I guess the site will be down until the end of the working day, but that is no longer important for me now.
Regarding the surprise promised, I'll make a new thread when it's ready. Shouldn't take long, perhaps today I'll finish with it. I'll just keep the suspense a little longer!
Also, the fact that Telco created the blog doesn't make him a higher member than anyone else, we are all the same like we used to be. Just mentioning things that MUST not be forgotten. May the stars shine in ours face.
Don't get panic, i am trying to keep the climate we used to have in ours old good forum, i just want to say that the power of an existing admin must not change the things everything is moving.
I've not received any message from Arien so far, and she has not been added to the Author's list - lacking her email-address. If anyone can contact her and she sends her email she will be added immediately ! , the same applies to members like Melian,
Concerning Adminship: this is just for general work on the forum, all authors are free to add whatever post they want. Comments as I said can be added by anyone. And yes, certainly oulmo, the fact who created the blog, or who is admin, doesn't in any way make anyone "higher"... I think we all, and myself not any the lesser, want to make this blog a new place for our discussions which used to take place on the forum (as mentioned before), where anyone has the same rights, as she/he used to have before.
i can only once more invite all our authors to add posts concerning topics of their own interest whenever they like ! those who want to become authors, shall send their email-address to my own one ( ) so that i can add them to the list....
Looking on the forum, I noticed that Arien did not make any single post since the notice of closure. Maybe she was unaware of it? I emailed her back then, but she did not answer in any way.
I emailed her again now - using the incorporated forum email button - and I hope she'll receive it and contact us back.
- - -
Oulmo, what's the point of stating the obvious? Telco started this blog so it's natural for him to be an administrator. He also gave me the privilege because he might not always be available. This means nothing more than our possibility to safeguard this place against spam or other types of malicious posts, etc.
It does not mean that we are superior to you; although I admit I have an unresolved question: if we're not usual admins, what are we? Unusual ones? (OK, I'm only joking!)
I hope they do will be a bit different without Arien and Meli. I made a new topic in the forum with the title ALL MEMBERS HERE, so to get everyones attention better. Inside is the link that John made for the blog.
Wouldn't this be the most idiotic joke from HC? To simply have forgotten? Or to contact us and tell us that they changed their mind! Which wouldn't upset me in the least.
But I rather think that - if what Joanna from HC told me in her last email of Thursday 3 February - they have a lot of work to do and did not yet reach the forum. In this case, since I suppose no one works in the weekends, the forum might still stand tomorrow and only be dealt with on Monday.
I might be wrong, but I don't think we have much chance of simply being forgotten!
Alavaro, whatever it was I wanted to show to you is ready, but so far there is no point in having it posted. If/when the time comes, I'll no doubt proceed with letting you in on it! But don't worry, you're missing nothing at this point!
And I'm here! It's nice to feel so welcomed here :) The reason I haven't been posting is that I've been really busy for the last couple of weeks and I still am. Was working on a short film two weeks ago, then I went to Amsterdam/Rotterdam for the international Film Festival and now I'm working on a documentary short and three new fiction shorts all in different stages of production. But I love it :) Once we get a hang of the blog I think this is going to work quite well :) And John... Don't keep us hanging forever ;)
WELCOME AAARIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENNNN!!!! Why did you changed your name a bit, is there any reason? Nice to have you there, i couldnt imagine the place without you...will you marry me???!!! A bit of bluck humor now, old falks are gathering slowly, and you know something? I like it better here...
i fear Arien, that this can't be done, at least not by what i know about blog-settings. there is one possibility: i can add up to ten email-adresses to a list of people who receive an email with every post someone makes (via the blog-settings), but i don't know if that is what you like... others could be added as well, but the number is limited to 10 people !
I come here daily, leave the blog open and refresh it if I want to see anything new. I don't need each post to be sent to me by email, so I gladly give my place to someone else - not that it were needed: we are not ten authors yet!
Hey ARIEN, i visited google to see photos of Ebeltoft the place that you mention in your profile, and from the few photos i saw it is a very beautiful and graphic place! Ok, it is decided, i am coming to ask for your hand, i hope that there is not any Thingol there who will send me at any dangerous place to take any valuable stone xD...just joking.
Well! So it finally happened! the forum went down today, no more than one hour ago (this means GMT 10:00), so we're on our own at last.
Not that I'm happy about it, I rather hoped that they forgot, but it seems that at least they were not playing a stupid joke on us, after all. It just took some time - probably to discover where the forum was stored on their servers, ha ha... seeing how they did not remember us for so many years.
I see, oulmo! Very well, I guess it's quite OK to get more people to visit this place, and maybe get involved in the discussions. Although at the moment we don't have so much Tolkien-related material available...
Oh, and by the way, the 'surprise' I was talking about is now available - in a new post on the Home page (it was obvious, but I'm mentioning it just in case people did not realise this is the 'surprise').
I am having trouble figuring out where the the different posts are and where the new ones are. Are there "sub-pages" on the posts, that is to say, do the posts "branch" off into different threads?
On another note, I clicked my link to the old forum today and it was gone, so sad. I sent them a note saying good-bye and deleted my link. I won't be buying any books there, I'm sure.
What are you talking about, Beth? Which posts, the ones on this blog?
- - -
I also deleted my link, but I didn't bother saying goodbye any more. As for buying books... this depends on what prices they have, and what special editions which only HC sells.
Well, something trubles me now. Did i over did it with the jokes to Arien? She did not gave any response so i dont wanna think that she misundestood anything...We are almost 4 years in the same forum so i thought i could make some jokes like the ones i did...Hey, Arien if you do not like my jokes tell me to know.Well, she may not answers because she is away but i'd like to know.
Oulmo, while I cannot speak for Arien, I still think a joke is just a joke, no harm done. After all, what I'd personally see as offensive is a joke ridiculing me, my beliefs or being of a taboo nature (and even then, only if it comes from a total stranger). Your jokes seem pretty casual to me. Arien might disagree, but oh... I vouch for oulmo's noble intentions, ha ha!
- - - -
On an aside note, today there was a press announcement that Scorpions are coming to Romania this summer. I'm buying tickets first thing tomorrow, as soon as they hit the shelves! I'm overly excited (I'm obviously listening to Scorpions as I'm writing this!)
Beth, are you talking about the archive of the tolkienforum that I posted? If so, I don't think it's at all confusing. I explained everything clearly in the document "ABOUT THIS ARCHIVE".
But if you're talking about something else (and I'm trying to take centre stage with my project), sorry... but that's what I understand by 'archive' at this time!
Don't worry oulmo, I'm definitely not offended, I'm just busy anddon't have that much time to surf the internet... I'm workig on a documentary about Live Roleplaying, which is totally awesome, but we're spending A LOT of time on it :) But a busy me is a happy me ;) The doc is gonna be so cool! We're doing it half interview and half fiction pieces about the different kinds of role playing. So far we've done a vampire scene, a prison scene in an old smelly dungeon and a mental hospital scene. In the weekend we're doing orcs and elves, drows, rangers and all kinds of other fantasy stuff :)
John, I'm referring to this blog and the archive box on the right side. I find this format confusing. How do you keep track of where the newest posts are? Do you remember the number of posts? Is there a place for different topics as the old forum had main folders with many related threads in them. Can someone start a new topic thread? I'm still learning the ropes of how a blog works and how to navigate it. By the way, thanks for saving much of the old forum! What a major undertaking that must have been. I haven't looked at your files yet but I'm glad to know they still exist and are available.
Beth, actually that's what I do, I try to remember the number of posts. Though I admit I sometimes fail in this task: yesterday for example I found two posts that I hadn't noticed before, but which had been two days old already.
As for the Blog Archive, it only groups topics by month, chronologically, with newest on top. Topics do not shift up or down even if new posts are made (unlike in the forum).
You can start a new topic. At the top of the page, once you're connected, you will see a hyperlinked text reading 'New Post' (or something of the sort - I can't say exactly because the blog options are displayed in Romanian for me by default) to the immediate right of your email address. If you click it, you'll open an editor where you can write your post. It will then appear on the page you chose to post on (we have five pages right now: Home, JRRTolkien, Works by JRRT, Book Reviews and Blog Authors).
Arien, that's wonderfull! I believe that you long for the project with the Elves and Orcs. It sure will be one very teaching experience wich will help you for greater future works.
I was just checking the old forum link, and while yesterday it was not accessible, today HC found a better use for it: if you try to access the forum, you are automatically redirected to their 'Official Tolkien Book Shop' page! Pretty neat; at least they figured out they can put it to some use, even though it can't be accessed any more.
well, that seems to be a good clue for them --- to link to the site where you can buy from them... but after all they really closed it down and it was no joke - it would have been a bad one !
I was thinking of making another page next to the ones already created by telco, to be named 'Trivia' or 'Games', or something of the sort.
There we could post all kind of stuff, such as the 'Play' game and the 'Song of the day' topic. I'd do this in order for the Home page to remain less crowded.
What do you think about it? And if you agree, then I shall ask telco how this is done. I can't find out how to add a new page - or is five the maximum possible?
generally pages can be added via the blog settings (max.=10) (if you are logged in enter:, but - as i stated somewhere else - extra pages are static constructs and there is no possibility to add posts there but to "just" add a stand alone text or piece of information. there is only the possibility to post on the home(page)... - one of the disadvantages of this blog ! - the games/trivia-posts therefore will have to remain there...
I understand. No harm done in asking! After all, I think we can handle with everything as it is, at least now. I'm afraid however that it might get a bit complicated once older topics drop out of the standard display of the page, being visible only in the blog archive.
So for some reason I can't register at the new forum with the name Arien. I get this message when I try: "ScreenName cannot include spaces, only alphanumeric values." But I have no spaces! It works when I put another letter or number on the name. Is it because it wants it to be 6 or more letters? Anybody know if that can be fixed? I'd really like to keep me screen name simple without any additions...
I don't know about the username on the forum - I could keep my name but I had to add an underline between the words, i.e. 'John_Wain' in order not to have spaces. You might have to use an extra character... or maybe someone else knows better than me and could direct you to a solution more to your liking.
I'm sorry everyone is having name issues. I registered so long ago that I don't remember if there are any restrictions. I also had to add an extra 1 to my name because I remember it said I was already a member. Please find a way to join us there!
It's nice to see settled in again. Or as it used to be: I apologise for my infrequency. We are having internet troubles due to painting and recarpeting, and I have scarcely turned the computer on since school has started. It's my last year at secondary school - so I'll be constantly busy and I am afraid I will have little time to make a valuable contribution... But I'll pop in whenever I can!
Happy Birthday my dear Arien! I am going to bring you a Silmaril for a present! It is a forum problem,try to change your name a bit, for example i changed my name into "oulmosealord". Happy birthday again and the best wishes!
Yesterday i was thinking, and, did anyone remembered to send an invitation for the blog to Collin? I've already sented a message to silivrien(do you remember silivrien?)but she is away a long time, so, dont know if the message reached her.
sorry for not adding anything new here, but i've been ill for a few days (now feeling a lot better)...
ReplyDeletenew additions to this blog to come within the upcoming week...
and although it is feb.4th the tolkienforum is not closed until now... but maybe we just have to wait until midnight !
thank you John for advertising this blog in such noticeable style there... (i'm already looking forward to whatever you gave hints to at the forum - is it connected with the lost data ?)
i've added no further posts after my 500th, but visited the site regularly since then...
see you all regularly here now...
Telco, indeed the forum is still not yet closed. But I corresponded further with HC, asking them to leave the forum online until Sunday, so that more people could see my 'advertising' of this place, but I was told that unfortunately that could not be done because taking down the site is part of a planned IT operation involving several other things, which they scheduled for today. I guess the site will be down until the end of the working day, but that is no longer important for me now.
ReplyDeleteRegarding the surprise promised, I'll make a new thread when it's ready. Shouldn't take long, perhaps today I'll finish with it. I'll just keep the suspense a little longer!
For the Admins. Lets not forget that you 2, Telco and John are not usual admins. The freedom in speech will remain like it was in ours previous forum.
ReplyDeleteAlso, the fact that Telco created the blog doesn't make him a higher member than anyone else, we are all the same like we used to be. Just mentioning things that MUST not be forgotten. May the stars shine in ours face.
ReplyDeleteDon't get panic, i am trying to keep the climate we used to have in ours old good forum, i just want to say that the power of an existing admin must not change the things everything is moving.
ReplyDeleteI've not received any message from Arien so far, and she has not been added to the Author's list - lacking her email-address.
ReplyDeleteIf anyone can contact her and she sends her email she will be added immediately ! , the same applies to members like Melian,
Concerning Adminship: this is just for general work on the forum, all authors are free to add whatever post they want.
Comments as I said can be added by anyone.
And yes, certainly oulmo, the fact who created the blog, or who is admin, doesn't in any way make anyone "higher"...
I think we all, and myself not any the lesser, want to make this blog a new place for our discussions which used to take place on the forum (as mentioned before), where anyone has the same rights, as she/he used to have before.
i can only once more invite all our authors to add posts concerning topics of their own interest whenever they like !
ReplyDeletethose who want to become authors, shall send their email-address to my own one ( ) so that i can add them to the list....
Looking on the forum, I noticed that Arien did not make any single post since the notice of closure. Maybe she was unaware of it? I emailed her back then, but she did not answer in any way.
ReplyDeleteI emailed her again now - using the incorporated forum email button - and I hope she'll receive it and contact us back.
- - -
Oulmo, what's the point of stating the obvious? Telco started this blog so it's natural for him to be an administrator. He also gave me the privilege because he might not always be available. This means nothing more than our possibility to safeguard this place against spam or other types of malicious posts, etc.
It does not mean that we are superior to you; although I admit I have an unresolved question: if we're not usual admins, what are we? Unusual ones? (OK, I'm only joking!)
I hope they do will be a bit different without Arien and Meli. I made a new topic in the forum with the title ALL MEMBERS HERE, so to get everyones attention better. Inside is the link that John made for the blog.
ReplyDeletequite funnily our forum is still accessible as of Feb.5th 10:40 MET (middle-european-time), i.e. GMT+1
ReplyDeletemaybe (as beth said on the forum itself) they forgot about us ;-) ..........
Wouldn't this be the most idiotic joke from HC? To simply have forgotten? Or to contact us and tell us that they changed their mind! Which wouldn't upset me in the least.
ReplyDeleteBut I rather think that - if what Joanna from HC told me in her last email of Thursday 3 February - they have a lot of work to do and did not yet reach the forum. In this case, since I suppose no one works in the weekends, the forum might still stand tomorrow and only be dealt with on Monday.
I might be wrong, but I don't think we have much chance of simply being forgotten!
i fear you are right John, although it would be the best if the forum remains....
ReplyDeleteby the way: in case it does not (the unfortunately more possible end) Arien has contacted me and has been invited to join...
Thats Great! and I suggest we forget about the whole admin issue... it is not a path I would like to go down through...
ReplyDeleteJohn, you should share your surprise! I am expecting it!
and its a good thing Arien was reached, we need to get as many as we can!
Alavaro, whatever it was I wanted to show to you is ready, but so far there is no point in having it posted. If/when the time comes, I'll no doubt proceed with letting you in on it! But don't worry, you're missing nothing at this point!
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm here!
ReplyDeleteIt's nice to feel so welcomed here :)
The reason I haven't been posting is that I've been really busy for the last couple of weeks and I still am. Was working on a short film two weeks ago, then I went to Amsterdam/Rotterdam for the international Film Festival and now I'm working on a documentary short and three new fiction shorts all in different stages of production. But I love it :)
Once we get a hang of the blog I think this is going to work quite well :)
And John... Don't keep us hanging forever ;)
WELCOME AAARIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENNNN!!!! Why did you changed your name a bit, is there any reason? Nice to have you there, i couldnt imagine the place without you...will you marry me???!!! A bit of bluck humor now, old falks are gathering slowly, and you know something? I like it better here...
ReplyDeleteeveryone is gathering slowly here...
ReplyDeletewelcome arien !
Slowely indeed. Btw the forum is still online.
ReplyDeleteThat name was my old Google account screen name, but it's back to normal now :)
ReplyDeleteIs there some way to see what posts have been commented on since last visit? Like we could see new posts on the forum...
i fear Arien, that this can't be done, at least not by what i know about blog-settings.
ReplyDeletethere is one possibility: i can add up to ten email-adresses to a list of people who receive an email with every post someone makes (via the blog-settings), but i don't know if that is what you like...
others could be added as well, but the number is limited to 10 people !
I wouldn't mind that...
ReplyDeleteI come here daily, leave the blog open and refresh it if I want to see anything new. I don't need each post to be sent to me by email, so I gladly give my place to someone else - not that it were needed: we are not ten authors yet!
ReplyDeleteWell, I do not really mind about the number of posts, so it is fine by me like it is now.
ReplyDeleteHey ARIEN, i visited google to see photos of Ebeltoft the place that you mention in your profile, and from the few photos i saw it is a very beautiful and graphic place! Ok, it is decided, i am coming to ask for your hand, i hope that there is not any Thingol there who will send me at any dangerous place to take any valuable stone xD...just joking.
ReplyDeleteWell! So it finally happened! the forum went down today, no more than one hour ago (this means GMT 10:00), so we're on our own at last.
ReplyDeleteNot that I'm happy about it, I rather hoped that they forgot, but it seems that at least they were not playing a stupid joke on us, after all. It just took some time - probably to discover where the forum was stored on their servers, ha ha... seeing how they did not remember us for so many years.
That's pretty funny John, yes that must be the reason. Also, we have a new follower with the name Hypothesis and he is also from Greece.
ReplyDeleteI see, oulmo! Very well, I guess it's quite OK to get more people to visit this place, and maybe get involved in the discussions. Although at the moment we don't have so much Tolkien-related material available...
ReplyDeleteOh, and by the way, the 'surprise' I was talking about is now available - in a new post on the Home page (it was obvious, but I'm mentioning it just in case people did not realise this is the 'surprise').
I am having trouble figuring out where the the different posts are and where the new ones are. Are there "sub-pages" on the posts, that is to say, do the posts "branch" off into different threads?
ReplyDeleteOn another note, I clicked my link to the old forum today and it was gone, so sad. I sent them a note saying good-bye and deleted my link. I won't be buying any books there, I'm sure.
What are you talking about, Beth? Which posts, the ones on this blog?
ReplyDelete- - -
I also deleted my link, but I didn't bother saying goodbye any more. As for buying books... this depends on what prices they have, and what special editions which only HC sells.
Well, something trubles me now. Did i over did it with the jokes to Arien? She did not gave any response so i dont wanna think that she misundestood anything...We are almost 4 years in the same forum so i thought i could make some jokes like the ones i did...Hey, Arien if you do not like my jokes tell me to know.Well, she may not answers because she is away but i'd like to know.
ReplyDeleteOulmo, while I cannot speak for Arien, I still think a joke is just a joke, no harm done. After all, what I'd personally see as offensive is a joke ridiculing me, my beliefs or being of a taboo nature (and even then, only if it comes from a total stranger). Your jokes seem pretty casual to me. Arien might disagree, but oh... I vouch for oulmo's noble intentions, ha ha!
ReplyDelete- - - -
On an aside note, today there was a press announcement that Scorpions are coming to Romania this summer. I'm buying tickets first thing tomorrow, as soon as they hit the shelves! I'm overly excited (I'm obviously listening to Scorpions as I'm writing this!)
I think the "archive" confused me. It looks like branches but I guess it's not. I don't want to miss any posts!
ReplyDeleteBeth, are you talking about the archive of the tolkienforum that I posted? If so, I don't think it's at all confusing. I explained everything clearly in the document "ABOUT THIS ARCHIVE".
ReplyDeleteBut if you're talking about something else (and I'm trying to take centre stage with my project), sorry... but that's what I understand by 'archive' at this time!
I love Scorpions John! I've been once in a Scorpions concert 4,5 years was great!
ReplyDeleteDon't worry oulmo, I'm definitely not offended, I'm just busy anddon't have that much time to surf the internet...
ReplyDeleteI'm workig on a documentary about Live Roleplaying, which is totally awesome, but we're spending A LOT of time on it :) But a busy me is a happy me ;)
The doc is gonna be so cool! We're doing it half interview and half fiction pieces about the different kinds of role playing. So far we've done a vampire scene, a prison scene in an old smelly dungeon and a mental hospital scene. In the weekend we're doing orcs and elves, drows, rangers and all kinds of other fantasy stuff :)
John, I'm referring to this blog and the archive box on the right side. I find this format confusing. How do you keep track of where the newest posts are? Do you remember the number of posts?
ReplyDeleteIs there a place for different topics as the old forum had main folders with many related threads in them. Can someone start a new topic thread? I'm still learning the ropes of how a blog works and how to navigate it.
By the way, thanks for saving much of the old forum! What a major undertaking that must have been. I haven't looked at your files yet but I'm glad to know they still exist and are available.
Beth, actually that's what I do, I try to remember the number of posts. Though I admit I sometimes fail in this task: yesterday for example I found two posts that I hadn't noticed before, but which had been two days old already.
ReplyDeleteAs for the Blog Archive, it only groups topics by month, chronologically, with newest on top. Topics do not shift up or down even if new posts are made (unlike in the forum).
You can start a new topic. At the top of the page, once you're connected, you will see a hyperlinked text reading 'New Post' (or something of the sort - I can't say exactly because the blog options are displayed in Romanian for me by default) to the immediate right of your email address. If you click it, you'll open an editor where you can write your post. It will then appear on the page you chose to post on (we have five pages right now: Home, JRRTolkien, Works by JRRT, Book Reviews and Blog Authors).
Arien, that's wonderfull! I believe that you long for the project with the Elves and Orcs. It sure will be one very teaching experience wich will help you for greater future works.
ReplyDeleteI was just checking the old forum link, and while yesterday it was not accessible, today HC found a better use for it: if you try to access the forum, you are automatically redirected to their 'Official Tolkien Book Shop' page! Pretty neat; at least they figured out they can put it to some use, even though it can't be accessed any more.
ReplyDeletewell, that seems to be a good clue for them --- to link to the site where you can buy from them...
ReplyDeletebut after all they really closed it down and it was no joke - it would have been a bad one !
I was thinking of making another page next to the ones already created by telco, to be named 'Trivia' or 'Games', or something of the sort.
ReplyDeleteThere we could post all kind of stuff, such as the 'Play' game and the 'Song of the day' topic. I'd do this in order for the Home page to remain less crowded.
What do you think about it? And if you agree, then I shall ask telco how this is done. I can't find out how to add a new page - or is five the maximum possible?
generally pages can be added via the blog settings (max.=10) (if you are logged in enter:, but - as i stated somewhere else - extra pages are static constructs and there is no possibility to add posts there but to "just" add a stand alone text or piece of information.
ReplyDeletethere is only the possibility to post on the home(page)... - one of the disadvantages of this blog ! - the games/trivia-posts therefore will have to remain there...
I understand. No harm done in asking! After all, I think we can handle with everything as it is, at least now. I'm afraid however that it might get a bit complicated once older topics drop out of the standard display of the page, being visible only in the blog archive.
ReplyDeleteyou are right, John. i will think of a solution for this problem...
ReplyDeleteWhy is that we don't open up a new forum? Is it because it costs money?
ReplyDeleteWe just did! And it doesn't cost anything!
So for some reason I can't register at the new forum with the name Arien. I get this message when I try: "ScreenName cannot include spaces, only alphanumeric values."
ReplyDeleteBut I have no spaces! It works when I put another letter or number on the name. Is it because it wants it to be 6 or more letters?
Anybody know if that can be fixed? I'd really like to keep me screen name simple without any additions...
And by the way... It's my birthday :)
Happy birthday, Arien! May your wishes come true.
ReplyDeleteI don't know about the username on the forum - I could keep my name but I had to add an underline between the words, i.e. 'John_Wain' in order not to have spaces. You might have to use an extra character... or maybe someone else knows better than me and could direct you to a solution more to your liking.
I'm sorry everyone is having name issues. I registered so long ago that I don't remember if there are any restrictions. I also had to add an extra 1 to my name because I remember it said I was already a member. Please find a way to join us there!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday, Arien!
ReplyDeleteIt's nice to see settled in again. Or as it used to be:
I apologise for my infrequency. We are having internet troubles due to painting and recarpeting, and I have scarcely turned the computer on since school has started. It's my last year at secondary school - so I'll be constantly busy and I am afraid I will have little time to make a valuable contribution... But I'll pop in whenever I can!
Happy Birthday my dear Arien! I am going to bring you a Silmaril for a present! It is a forum problem,try to change your name a bit, for example i changed my name into "oulmosealord". Happy birthday again and the best wishes!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday, Arien! - may the upcoming years be full of joy for you !
ReplyDeleteThanks for the well wishes guys...
ReplyDeleteHappy late birthday;)
ReplyDeleteArien, sorry for the lateness, but I have been extremely busy with school. Happy Birthday!
ReplyDeleteYesterday i was thinking, and, did anyone remembered to send an invitation for the blog to Collin? I've already sented a message to silivrien(do you remember silivrien?)but she is away a long time, so, dont know if the message reached her.