Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Random News [:starting June 2011, ongoing:]

Although the May issue of this topic did not receive much attention, in keeping with tradition, I am opening a new Random News section for this new month.


  1. To all those celebrating the International Children's Day, and who moreover still feel connected to the child inside of them, no matter their age, I say: "Happy birthday!" and may your spirit forever stay young!

    Of the books that I'm waiting for (ordered from Amazon), only one arrived so far. It's the 50th anniversary version of 'Farmer Giles of Ham', and I am reading it right now. As soon as I finish it, expect a new book review!

  2. John, please do give a review. I have been wanting to get it for quite some time....
    On a different note, I've been looking at early editions of The Hobbit/LOTR on eBay and they are not that expensive...
    I have a first printing of LOTR, all three, but they are extremely used because they are my dad's...

    And on another note, I have two more days of classes before I am done for the year! That is very exciting.

  3. One of the same here! Still waiting for the job in archeology. Summer is coming and the sun is out.

  4. So, everyone! I just added a review for 'Farmer Giles of Ham'. Read it in 'Book Reviews'. I hope you will find it comprehensive and of use (here I am talking mostly to alavaro).

  5. Today I received the rest of my Amazon shipment: the 'Annotated Hobbit', 'A Tolkienian Mathomium' and 'A Hobbitonian Anthology'. They all seem solid, dense books, especially the Hobbit. I will certainly be rereading it pretty soon.

    As for the present moment, I am reading 'Roverandom' and will have a review ready pretty soon.

  6. Yesterday I went to the Scorpions concert here in Bucharest. It was tiresome (since I had standing tickets in front of the stage), but it was awesome. Not all songs were favourites of mine, but on the whole the experience was very memorable.

  7. I thought about it and there seems to be no point in opening a new Random News section for this month, because there is hardly any activity to warrant it.

    Instead I have modified the title and suggest that we use this one for any communication, at least until it gets too long - which at the present pace, seems very far away...

    I have bought new books about Tolkien:
    - Arda Reconstructed
    - Music in Middle-earth
    - Tolkien on Film

    The last one interests me the most at this time, because it collects essays about the films in comparison with the books, and it was praised as true criticism. I did not start reading it yet, but I just might.

  8. I just published a review for 'Roverandom', which you can find in the Book Reviews section.

  9. Hi Guys! This has gotten kind of quiet... and I dont like that at all.
    What can we do to make it more active?

  10. John, What did you think of the Music in Middle-Earth and Arda Reconstructed books?
