Sunday, February 13, 2011

A Forum - different ways to communicate

This night (local european time), i received a message from Beth, who wrote to me that she created a Forum via delphiforums (the exact link being: ) .
She asked me to post this link on the blog - Beth you could have done so as well by the way - but I will certainly offer her the chance to advertise for this way of communication - which is closer to the old one.
As I stated when creating the Blog, this is not the only possible sollution, although in the first few days it has been well accepted !
Certainly a Blog has advantages to a Forum in certain points, but the other way round is true as well !
There also is the possibility to run both ways of talking at the same time, ......
             but what do I say, it is the members who have to decide what is best for them.

So the chance is offered, but nothing decided yet...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Song of the day.

So, let's continoue posting our favourite songs.
For today, my favourite song is My Village of the Sand by Blackmore's Night. And i dedicate those lyrics to Arien!->

He was different than the others in my Village on the Sand...
He told me of the years he'd spent on the stormy seas
Then he spoke a poet's words of philosophy
And when he had to leave again he asked me for my hand
And I knew I'd never see again my Village on the Sand...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Selected Archive

Dear friends,

Seeing how HarperCollins closed down today, I consider it is the right time to make available my work from last week. What I'm talking about is the archive of the forum, which HC did not agree to hand over.

I did not save everything on the forum, but I believe you will find that the most interesting discussions are among the files I deemed worthy of preservation.

I compiled the archive in two formats: Word document & Adobe pdf. I will provide links to download either of these archives. The pdf is larger in size, and my recommendation is that you download the doc archive instead; the pdf nevertheless is sure to work on any kind of computer without fear of changed fonts, non-openable documents, etc. If you use Microsoft Word 2003 or 2007 there should be absolutely no problem with the doc archive.

There are multiple links for each archive, to have an alternative just in case you cannot download from one of them. The second link for each ( is the most straightforward: there are no waiting times or complicated page navigation issues, but it only works for 10 days, after that the files getting deleted by the hosting server.

DOC ARCHIVE LINKS - Megaupload link
- link (this will only work until 18 February) - Rapidshare link

PDF ARCHIVE LINKS - Megaupload link - link
(this will only work until 18 February) - Rapidshare link

Copy any of the links in your browser address bar and click enter. The archives are in a .zip format, which any computer should be able to unpack. After that, you'll have a folder with several subfolders containing the saved information.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Where Our Visitors Come From...

Just to add a little bit of colour to the blog (and test the picture-options), a little chart showing the coutries from which this site has been acessed... (the more green there is, the more often)
Unfortunately beside the US and Australia the others are small European ones, so not that visible,...
We should ask someone from Russia to join ;-)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Tuesday, February 1, 2011